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cute, unique idea!!


OMG i loved this game before but now that it's updated i love it even more!!


Cute and nice concept!


cute game! kinda wish there was a pause button but I guess it becomes a stamina challenge without it haha

either the game is difficult or im stupid.... its probably the 2nd option


I had so much fun with cute dogo in the cafe. We made a lot of food. MUCH WOW VERY STRONGK! Thank you to all of your team member who made this game ;-;


got to 1060 :D this was really fun!


a really great game, my current score is 471 which is amazing for me :)


lol my highest score was 740 I couldn't type faster the words keep getting longer and the time runs out fast it was fun though!! :))


its sad that it can only be played online but its supper cute tho!


Cooking, a cute doggo, and typing practice... this game is awesome! It's such an adorable, simple-to-play, fun game. Thank you!


this is so adorable oml definitely coming back again :)

me dice "teclea para iniciar" y ya le di a literalmente todas las teclas y no se inicia :(

you have to type the word 'start' exactly :) let me know if you're still having issues!


ok, I love this game now

(2 edits)

this is probably a dumb question but does anyone know how to make white ball of rice for the sheephead


to make mochi you have to spell cook 2 times after you spelled the word that is on the rice

omg ty

your welcome :>


i love this game, its so cute and so fun to play


that was surprisingly so fun!! totally gonna play this more


THIS GAME IS SO COOL :O i will be coming back to this game frequently 


 got this my first try ! cute game :D 

how did you make the mochi?


I'm pretty proud of this XD this is such a charming game! I've yet to find the secret level but I'm sure I'll crack it eventually lol :p


I love this game!! It's so cute and It helped me train my typing speed! I hope you can make a downloadable version soon ❤❤❤❤


hehe great game as always i love that you added little ingredient hints i beat my old score!! i dueled my cousin and she said maybe you should adjust the countdown for more complicated recipes and i thought it made sense

such a simple and sweet game! i love the general vibe its got going on! it took me a couple of tries to understand it, but once i did i had no trouble with it! i also like that the words arent always common ones, it definitely adds more of a challenge! 

overall, it was fun and i liked it a lot!

Serena loved your game. Here's a video of her playing.

Highlight from TOJam 2021's Open House Stream

Such a wonderful game concept! My mind has been racing ever since I played it last week. I felt like I was learning and mastering a culinary arts skill at the same time. Here's a link to my playthrough :D

Game bugged out after I passed 900 points :( wouldn't let me press enter to combine my weenor and stick and timed me out ;-;

Very fun game though! all the chem and bio terminologies are giving me flashbacks from college.

If possible, can you include a live keystroke feature? Very fun game as is and I will show a bunch of my friends :)

Hi there!~ I just started playing the game a couple of days ago but I love it already. I love the aesthetics and the simplicity of it (maybe because it's like me in that sense). Do add more recipes and I hope I'm not being rude by asking if you could put in a way to access the recipes in the game itself? That's just a suggestion, I love the game regardless and hope to see more!
- With love, RxR.

hello! so shiba cafe in the beginning where you type start my t doesnt work. if you can make a button saaying press start or press enter that would be nice thank you!

hi! oh no, do you mean from your keyboard? shiba cafe is a typing game, so you'll have a hard time playing it without the t even if you get past the start screen :( sorry about that 

is ok


It's been a long while since I've seen a typing game and I absolutely love this! It's just so cute and really made my day. I'll definitely go on and play your other games too!

Aw, thank you so much!! Part of this was definitely to give myself an excuse to type, so I'm really glad you're enjoying it :) hopefully our other games don't disappoint!!


Thank you for this! The art is so cute, and the typing mechanic forces me to practice proper typing skills! I'll definitely be checking out your other games!

aw, thank you!! so glad you're enjoying this - hopefully our other games don't disappoint either :')


This game is so much fun thank you for your blessing in this world

aa thank you so much for playing <3

great game!!! but for some reason i can only give cooked rice when there's something else on the tray? like when i give cooked rice alone it won't accept it

ah!! there's a weird quirk in rice right now where you have to press enter twice (once to "combine it" and once to send it out) since it's both an ingredient and a recipe - we've fixed it on our side already, and it'll be coming out in v1.1 bundled with a bunch of other changes :) 

ooh very nice!! also i love your splatoon icon gif




this score was on my 2nd try omg ;-; i was screaming so loud lskdjfg but man this game is so fun ! great job

omg nice!! so glad you're enjoying it :) 


aah, this game is so nice!! it's very good, i recommended it to some of my friends already, we love this kind of stuff.

good job!! <3 :)

aw, thank you so much <3 super glad you're enjoying it, and I hope your friends are too!!


I'm not an english native, moreover I'm really bad at this. But I think it's far the best game I played in months. Congratulations!!!

woh, what a compliment!! thank you, so glad you're enjoying it :)

(1 edit) (+1)

i got this score second try after struggling a bit with the rice :') it was a bit hard because I'm not a native English speaker but it was definitively very fun !! very cute game with a very cool concept 


wah really glad you like it!! congrats on a great score :)


:) gotta remind myself to play this more

yes, please do!! :)

:) it took me a while to get there!

yay, congrats!!


Thank you!

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